Sandwich Panel & Roof Contractor PT. Winata Jaya Utama


In running each Project we will listen to every detail that the customer wants and needs, so as to provide maximum satisfaction, safety and comfort with full responsibility


We always provide the best quality to create and grow customer trust


We realize that competition in Construction Services is growing, so we establish good cooperation with all of our customers

PT. Winata Jaya Utama

“Sandwich Panel Contractor and Roofing”

PT Winata Jaya Utama is committed to always bringing speed and accuracy to every project we work on through careful planning

Services and Applications

We Supply And Install Various Roofing and Sandwich Panel Needs.

Macam Panel Ditawarkan

  1. EPS (Expanded Polystyrene)

  2. PU (Polyurethane)

  3. PIR (Polysocyanurate)

  4. Rockwool

  5. Accessories : Door & Windows

  6. Atap dan Dinding Metal (Galvanis, Zincalume/Galvalume)

  7. Atap dan Dinding Fibre / Fibre Lux, Alsynate (Mulford)

  8. Steel Decking (Floordeck)

  9. Insulation : Glasswool, Alumunium Foil, Roof Mesh, PE Foil, Polynum


  1. Pharmaceutical Clean Room (Ruang Bersih Farmasi)

  2. Cold Room / Cold Storage (Ruang Pendingin / Penyimpanan Dingin)

  3. Food & Beverages (Makanan & Minuman)

  4. Production Room (Ruang Produksi)

  5. Hospital Operating Room (Ruang Operasi RS)

  6. Warehouse (Gudang)

  7. Factory Cosmetic / Outer Wall (Pabrik Kosmetik)

  8. Prefab Building (Bangunan Rumah Pabrikan)

The Winata Jaya Utama Projects

Below are the projects handled by PT Winata Jaya Utama. Sorry for not displaying all projects on this page because it can cause the website to slow down. Click on this project link to view more complete projects


Completed Projects


Happy Customers


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